Dear LIB readers: I found out about my man's other woman via BB
From a female LIB reader
It started about two months ago. There was this contact on my BB who
updated her status based on what was happening with my man. One day she
updated 'my boo is back, so happy'. My boyfriend had just returned from a
trip to Europe. I didn't think much of it until she updated her status
again saying she was in Port Harcourt. My boyfriend had left for Port
Harcourt two days earlier. Then on January 22nd, she wished her boo a
happy birthday. January 22nd is my boyfriend's birthday. Then on Val's
day, she updated her status wishing her man a happy val's day and said
she wished he was in town so she could spoil him. He was in South Africa
with me. We returned on the 17th of February and when I checked her
status, she'd updated with 'my boo is back' with love emoticon. I knew
then that we were dating the same man.
I confronted the idiot and he
denied it so I decided to chat with the lady on my bb to find out more
though I didn't let her know I was with the same man. She didn't mention
his name but everything else she said proved it was him. He's been
dating the lady for about 9 months. I've been with him for almost 2
years. Well, I have decided to dump his ass. I will not share a man with
a cream seller. I buy my body cream from this lady and that's why she's
on bb, not because she's my friend. So she can keep him seeing that he
has no class. And you ode, I'm done with you.
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