Photo: Hennglise Dorvial after the surgery
According to one of the doctors, who participated in the surgery, it is the largest tumor he has ever removed.
Before the operation the courageous Haitian girl Hennglise Dorvial told FoxNews she was not scared with the upcoming procedure, because all she wanted was to "look in the mirror and see I’m not the same".
Photo: Hennglise Dorvial before the surgery
The girl had lost vision in her left eye, and medics lamented that it would be hardly possible to fix it. However, it was good the tumor had not invaded the base of the skull.
Photo: Hennglise Dorvial before the surgery
Hennglise had no other option but leave school in the 5th grade after the tumor dramatically increased in size within a one-year period.
Photo: Virginia doctors prepare for the complicated surgery
Now the girl, who is to spend at least 6 more weeks in Virginia with her mother, is looking forward to coming back home and showing her family the results of the successful surgery.
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